Well, tonight ive finally digested the fact that procrastination will not help me in my degree.... its taken 2 years to realise, but at least its now sunk in...
It may seem ironic however, that as soon as this small piece of knowledge came to me, i decided to again do everything
but revise, and so share such thoughts with you!...ah the beauty of blogging!
I have travelled to Reading two times this week- i now live at home in essex, and so commute to uni there. In my travels have realised some astonishing facts:
1. I become very agitated when people DARE sit next to/ opposite me
2. Opening every window in the carriage may see a good idea at Southend, but by the time your at Wickford your fffffreezing- no matter how hot it is outside
3. Nobody closes windows, no matter how fffffreezing they are
4. Business men do fart. (this latter fact suprised me- for some reason, i thought a posh suit equated dignity- but no, they seem happy for sound and everything to catch the whole carriage's attention)
5. Its not OK to laugh out loud at farts on a train.
Point 5 was found out the hard way.
I am in 'the Ding' as we speak, without TV and so i reach my final pearl of wisdom.
If you know you are about to go somewhere without a TV for 3 days FOR THE LOVE OF GREEN FELT TIP PENS (which i do love- very much) remember to set your video recorder for a daily installment of Neighbours! If Glenn Forest lays a finger on Janae's man she is going to have a lot to answer for.
I will just have to watch Harry Hill's TV burp on youtube for 3 days straight as to console me.