I have just realised how bad a sister/blogger i am!
Firstly, i have just looked on my blog to find that ive only made 3 posts this year (and 2 of them were on the same day!)... i am ashamed and appologise to anyone who has the decency to check my site regulary in hope that i have shared some hillarious anacdotes or insiteful thoughts. I am going to do my upmost to remember to blog, because lets face it- im pretty interesting and its only right i share this with you!
Now, here is the part i become a bad sister. In my sudden realisation at 11.30am this morning that i do infact have a blogspot, i sat reading other peoples (probably your) blogs. In particular, after reading and commenting on
Johns blog about the end of special k youghurty, i decided to once again start up my quest to bring back Pretzel Flips, a cause that began back in 2003-2004.
These AMAZINGLY good treats got me through year 7 and 8 at school (and probably aided me to putting on weight at the time) but hey- they were grrrrrrreat!
Whilst at sixth form in 2003-04, i started a petition to bring back said chocarific sweets/snacks (i dont know how to class them!). I managed to get the whole of the sixth form, the heads of year and my teachers to sign, also a few younger school children i could hassle without fearing being told where to go! 165 signitures later i thought i had my case (that out of 170 people asked to sign, 165 did!) However, the long strived over list was then placed carefully into the boot of my car... and there it remained until last september (2006) when my car went off to be serviced... i now dont know where i put it! I will not only make it my mission today to look for it, but to find some contact details of nestle to persuade thier swift return to our shores (they are still sold in america apparently... along with lucky charms.... dont get me started on lucky charms.)
Anyway, i have totally missed the part where i become a bad sister. In my overwhelming sense of responsibility to get 'the flips' back into our shops, i failed to realise that i should have picked my little brother up from playschool over 15 minutes before. This was bad enough, however to add to this, i was still in my night attire.
There comes a time in any activists life when they have to ask themselves whether thier cause and quest are interferring with family life... maybe mine has already come to light, even if after only being alive for around half and hour.
BUT NO. I ran, got changed and picked him up (the lady in charge is scary at the best of times, so being late seemed to aggrevate her a great deal... i just grabbed the boy and ran!) Now, i feel bad because i literally sat him down in front of Power Rangers Mystic Force (not a patch on the originals- Billy, Jason, Trini, Zac and Kimberley... Tommy was a bit later) to tell you my story.
I have, however become a better blogger in negleting the child, therefore im not so awful after all!!