OK, first things first Anna- i count my monthly blogging as October, November, December etc NOT at least one between the 15th of each month- FACT! And so i have actually kept to my one-a-month goal! (I can already see that the grammar class last month has helped me no end. Beginning sentences with 'and' is totally acceptable right?)
Well, i am happy to announce that my 2 essay deadlines were met last week. Sadly though, whilst handing them in i was given a memo reminding me to 'keep up' the dissertation work over christmas. Nows heres a pickle.... i have nothing to 'keep up'. As with most students, i have great intentions come August-time, id been to the library and gotten out a few books, even bought a few. However, i have never opened these books and its now only a few months from hand-in. After overhearing a ridiculously studious student (hmm, theasauraus use here?!) declare to the whole english department 'ive written 2000 words so far', i first hit him (obviously i didnt 'hit' him) and then i began panicking. I dont even know the structure that it is to take! So my christmas is meant to be taken up with reading and other such boring nonsense. I doubt it will happen, but mum's told me father christmas will only give me presents if i am a good girl- do you think he expects me to have done some of this dissertation? Lets hope not.
Being Christmas and all (how many times can i get that word into this blog!?), i have been fufilling all the traditions that i have created over the last few years. Most embarrasingly, this includes repeatedly listening to Cliff Richard- Together (his superb Christmas album).
Now before you flood me with derrogatory comments (which may i add, i still havent worked out how to edit...so be slightly understanding of this if possible?!), the reason for my loving of 'Cliff' is due to my mother forcing me and hayley to watch the video IN FULL as children.
The scary thing about Christmas is that no matter how much you dislike something, if you have done it for a couple Christmas's in a row, it becomes tradition and you just expect yourself to do it! I never used to enjoy caroling on Christmas eve with the YP; the coldness isn't great and the chance i may not be in bed by midnight quite frankly scares the bejeezers out of me. However, the fact that i have done it since i was 13 means i HAVE to do it. One thing i do know though is my love of mince pies can only grow- however these 3.5point beauties can do a lot of damage to the diet, along with the Croissants on Christmas morning and endless portions of christmas pudding... oh dear oh dear!
Well, i appologise for the shameful length of this blog, but i will endevour to give you a thoroughly exciting account of the next few days/ weeks. Maybe i need my dissertation dealine to be brought forward- im sure that would entice me to write a few more paragraphs!
Don't worry about your dissertation. No matter how good all our intentions were at uni, we pretty much all wrote the bulk of it in the two weeks before it was due in (a little stressful, but makes that 'taking-it-to-Staples-and-getting-it-bound' feeling that little bit more satisfying). And I somehow managed to get a 1st for it! So you've got LOADS of time :-D
My mum used to make us watch Cliff Richard too!! she had a video of all of his music videos, I TOTALLY get where you're coming from with Cliff, the mans a legend.
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